O'Connors Cafe
Sound off!

Have an opinion on us, our food or our service? Then we want to hear from you.

It's by listening to our customers that we are able to ensure we deliver the very best. And when we are at our best, our customers eat a satisfyingly healthy meal - and a satisfied customer is the best compliment we can receive.

We’re excited to hear your thoughts so please don't feel shy to tell us what you think. All feedback is anonymous and there is no reply from us, unless you want one. If you would like us to reply, please enter your name and email or phone number. We value your comments and would love to let you know how we’re responding to your feedback.



  prove you're human
11 - 8



Menu for Monday 17 March

Happy Harmony Week!

 Roasted Vegetable Soup (GF/Vegan)

Japanese Mustard Miso Roast Beef (GF/DF)

Chicken Katsu

Shogayaki: Japanese Ginger Pork (GF/DF)

Teriyaki Chicken (GF/DF)

Okonomiyaki: Japanese Vegetable Pancake (Veg)

Salad of the Day
Salad Bowl with Vegetables, Rice & Tofu (GFO/Vegan)
Today's Scones
Today's Muffins
Macadamia White Choc

Coffee & Breakfast available from 7am


Last coffees 3:30pm, cafe closes 4pm

Have a great day!